Q:  How big are the class sizes?
A:  FBS is set up as one large classroom where students have their own separate offices to work.  This allows the student’s privacy and helps with concentration.  The students do sit by grade level and we currently have 1-5 students per grade.  Students in K-1st grade have a separate classroom with their own teacher.

Q:  What is the teacher-student ratio?
A:  The current ratio at FBS is 1:7.

Q:  What are the normal school hours?
A:  Normal school hours at FBS are 8:30-3:30 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. Wednesday is 8:30-1:30.   Doors to the school open at /or before 8:15 each day.


Q:  How do I register my child?
A:   1.  Make an appointment to visit the school.  2.  View the student handbook.  3.  Complete the student application.  4. Pay the enrollment fee.

Q:  What is the criteria for acceptance?
A:  Families of Faith Baptist School must confirm they regularly attend a Bible believing church. Selection of students is based partly upon past achievement, the testing program, and approval of the administration.

Q:  Do I have to be a member of Faith Baptist Church to have my children in the school?
A:   No, Faith Baptist School is open to families of like faith who regularly attend a Bible believing church.

Q:  How old does my child need to be to attend Kindergarten?
A:  In order to attend FBS as a Kindergarten student, the child must be 5 by September 1st. All students going into Kindergarten will be required to complete a reading readiness exam. 

Q:  What is the tuition and curriculum cost?
A:  Current tuition for 2020-2021 is $250.00 per month, per student.  Current curriculum cost for 2020-2021 is $35.00 per month, per student. 

Q:  How much is enrollment?
A:  There is a one- time enrollment fee of $125.00 per student.  Re-enrollment each year is $55.00 per student.


Q:  Does FBS have a sports program? 
A:  Yes, although we do not major in sports.  Our priority is to make sure the students get a good quality education.  However, we do believe that sports teach good character and team building.  For this reason, we involve the students in different sports throughout the year.  Our elementary students ( K-6) are involved in many different intramural sports during their PE time.  Junior high and high school students participate in intramural softball during the fall.  They also compete against other schools of like faith in basketball and volleyball during the winter and spring months.