Tuition is $3,060.00 per student per year K-12th grade.
(Call to find out about our multi-child discount.)
Tuition is divided into nine installments of $340.00 each, beginning August 1 through April 1. Note: The first billing
will be sent out the last week in July and will be due August 1. All billings thereafter will be due on the first of each month.
If not paid in full on the first of the month, a 5% fee will be added to the next billing, and no more curriculum will be issued to the student. If not paid by the 10th, students will not be allowed to return to school until the account is brought current.
There is a curriculum fee of $38.00 per student each month. Any PACE that must be retaken will incur a $4.00 fee.
The re-enrollment fee is $55.00 per student and is non-refundable.
Enrollment fee for new students is $125.00 and is non-refundable after application is accepted.
We strive to keep the cost of tuition down, but in order to maintain the integrity of the education we are providing and keep up with our own expenses, we must increase tuition and curriculum each year.
In addition to tuition and curriculum fees, students may need to bring in money for extra-curricular activities such as field trips and outings, classes, such as home ec, and other activities, such as senior activity days. We understand that additional costs can add up quickly, and do our bests to keep these costs low.